Check out some of our interesting nutritional facts
Skipping Meals
Did you know that eating infrequent meals can lead to a variety of health-related problems. If you skip meals or eat your meals in a pattern that fails to satisfy your energy requirements, you could end up with higher body fat levels and less lean muscle mass (Benardot, 2018).
Staying Hydrated
Did you know that exercise performance can be impaired when you are dehydrated by as little as 2% of your body weight (Murray, 2007)? The British Dietetic Association (BDA) recommends adults drink around 2 litres of water per day.
Did you know, studies have shown that when exercising for up to an hour or more, combining carbohydrates with protein during and after exercise, can increase your exercise performance and speed up your recovery (Jager et al, 2017)?
Did you know that alcohol has a number of links to weight gain? It's packed with sugar, carbs and empty calories. Not to mention, you are more than likely going to make poor food choices when under the influence of alcohol!
Skipping Breakfast
Did you know that studies have shown that people who eat breakfast, tend to have healthier lifestyles? The NHS state that "a healthy breakfast high in fiber and low in fat, sugar and salt can form part of a balanced diet, and can help you get the nutrients you need for good health". Try eating porridge with banana or apple, or eggs on wholemeal toast. Quick, easy and tastes delicious.
Hula Hoops - Grab Bag
514 Calories. That's 1/4 of your recommended daily allowance.
Can of Coke
140 Calories. All of which is sugar!
Large Big Mac Meal
1320 Calories. Most of which are sugar and fat.
Staying Hydrated
Try to leave about 2-3 hours before you exercise after having a main meal. About an hour before you exercise, try to have a light snack that contains some protein, and is higher in carbohydrate and lower in fat. Snacks such as a banana, porridge or a rice cake with peanut butter. Check out our recipe section for lots of snack ideas
Benardot, D. (2018) Ten Things You Need to Know About Sports Nutrition. American College of Sports Medicine. British Dietetic Association. (2020) Fluid: Water and Drinks Available from: [Accessed 9th November 2021]. Jager, R. (2017) Protein and Exercise. The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 14 (20). Murray, B. (2007). Hydration and Physical Performance. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 26 (5), 29-30. NHS. (2019) 8 Tips For Healthy Eating. Available from: [Accessed 9th November 2021]